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With the Gard’Apis App for ios,  you’ll be able to stay up-to-date with the latest advice provided to you by industry experts.

Know exactly via push notification when to change the colour of the nozzle which is an essential requirement to catch effectively asian hornets.

The app also allows you to have in-depth information about your trap and how to install it correctly. Stay up-to-date as new and more features are introduced.

Changelog : 

version log 2.1
Additional Feature : Image gallery allowing users to upload their traps pictures
Additional Feature : Ask support – Q&A from within the app
Additional Feature : User location capabilities and Map display of Hornet shows
Misc : User Interface improvements
Misc : Modified webconnectors paths
Misc : General Code cleanup
Bug Fix : Restrict app to vertical layout

version log 1.1
Misc : Changed wording for N/A Nozzle colour
Misc : Changed nozzle colour from Yellow to Orange
Misc : Updated instructions and new guides added
Misc : Explanation for nozzle color choice
Additional Feature : Facebook and Instagram follow links

Initial Release – version log 1.0